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Need to Register to Vote?
Registering to vote in Iowa is easy. There are many ways you can register to vote including in person, by mail, and at the polls on Election Day. We’ll guide you through each way so you can determine which is best for you.
Ready to Vote?
If you’re already registered, it’s time to decide what method you want to use to vote. Voting in Iowa can be done early at your auditor’s office, early by mail with an absentee ballot, or in person at the polls on Election Day.
If you want to vote absentee, also called voting by mail, you must request that a ballot be mailed to you.
Need Help?
Accommodations, including curbside voting, can be requested in advance or when you show up to vote early or on Election Day from your county auditor for a variety of reasons. Or maybe you have questions or are unsure about something. Your county auditor is your go-to source of information.